Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010...

And HELLOOO 2011!


Looking back, 2010 was a good year. We did lots of things even though the year sure felt like it flew by (whew!). We:

And that about wraps up 2010. Of course I couldn't cover everything we did during the past year - because it would be 40 pages long and bore you to tears! - so these are some of the highlights that we've detailed here in the ole' blog.

Now that 2010 is basically behind us and we feel like we've celebrated our various accomplishments (from tiling countertops to saving a mouse), we sure are looking forward to 2011 and all the fun, excitement, and adventures that it will bring!

Have a Happy New Year's!
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  1. Gee, that's all? lol... just kidding. What a year! It'll be hard to top all that, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeves for 2011. Happy new year!

  2. Somehow I missed all these posts, but it's fun to get to read several at once. All I have to say is: you guys are amazing! All of your posts are wonderful, and I can't wait to see all of things you guys will do in 2011!!


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