And so began a lovely period of vacuum research. I tell ya, we lived and breathed Eureka's, Hoovers, Dysons and others for awhile. What can I say? We were determined to find THE vacuum for us, one that did a good job and would last more than a few years, making it worth the investment.
After reading hundreds of reviews from Consumer Reports and Amazon, we finally found a Dyson Ball DC25 All-Floors vacuum that would work for us. The only problem was the price: it was 550$, which is a little much for us considering that our new granite tile countertops didn't even cost that much! So we went all around town, stopping by every store we could think of to look at vacuum prices: Sears, Best Buy, Kohl's, Nebraska Furniture Mart, Lowe's and Target. Nobody had any good sales going on, and we really really needed a vacuum: bad. Seriously, Barley was shedding like crazy, and the dust bunnies were practically building skyscraper cities in our house.
So we decided to try and find a good deal online. A day or two later, and we had totally scored: we found one on Amazon for 350$, with free overnight shipping. Sweet!
Now, don't get me wrong, 350$ is still alot to pay for a vacuum. But Dysons come with a 5 year warranty, don't use bags, and have a lifetime HEPA filter that never needs to be replaced. We figured that since our old 85$ vacuum lasted only a year, if we replaced it every year for 5 years it would cost us 425$, not to mention the replacement HEPA filters and belts, etc add to the overall cost. And best of all? Our new Dyson vacuum works amazingly well on wood floors too (since it comes with a button to turn off the rotating carpet brush), so we'll actually save money because we won't be buying Swiffer wipes anymore. Our carpet has never been so dog-hair free and clean (it feels like new!). Even Barley loves the new vacuum.
Okay, so maybe Barley doesn't really like it very much (surprisingly, he's more scared of the new one than the old one! We figured he would like it more because there's a ball in it...), but we sure do!
First off, the vacuum is lighter than our old Bissell, even though it's smaller. Our old vacuum's attachments would tend to let dirt fall on the floor when we connected them, but the new Dyson doesn't use the same hose as the main part of the vacuum for it's attachments - it uses a separate hose, and the attachment is actually the handle of the vacuum that lifts right up and out, so due to gravity there's no chance that any dirt is going anywhere. And lifting out the attachment hose is so easy and takes only a second, no need to scramble to find all the parts and spend a few minutes connecting everything up. And once the hose is connected, the vacuum knows to turn off the main brush so dirt doesn't scatter everywhere (something our Bissell would do, which discouraged us from using the attachments very often).
The ball makes it incredibly easy, and yes - even fun! - to manuever around while vacuuming. By just twisting your wrist the vacuum moves around, making getting around furniture as easy as pie. The sucking power is incredible! We tried to vacuum off our pleather couch with the attachment but had to give up as the sucking power is so great that the pleather just stuck to the attachment. So I'd say the Dyson does everything but pleather furniture. That's okay by us!
Emptying the container is also so easy it's almost fun. On the old Bissell vacuum, removing the dirt container to empty it usually involved lots of dirt getting on us, in the air, and all over the vacuum (removing it was kinda tricky) due to the fact that the top of the dirt container is completely open to the air once removed. The Dyson is a completely sealed container, so we just pop it out, hold it down a bit in the trash can (to prevent dust from billowing up in the air too much), and press a button and the bottom drops out, letting the dirt fall out of the container without getting our hands, the vacuum, or the floor covered in dust.
We are so happy with our purchase! I admit, we have been completely floored by this vacuum (pun intended). We now understand what the rave is all about as far as Dyson vacuums are concerned, too - and the fact that the colors are so eye-pleasing and that the vacuums have been in numerous museums (including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Science Museum in London, and the Pompidou Centre in Paris) just makes us all-that-much-happier with our Dyson. Seriously, people - we're pleased as punch about it.
What about you guys? Do you believe all the hype about the Dyson vacuums? Is a regular ole' vacuum worth the hefty price tag, or would you rather spend the money on something else? Are you as surprised as we were to learn that Dyson vacuums have been displayed in famous museums, and that some Dyson vacuums even have a permanent placement in them? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

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So far I've been very happy with our Dyson. Great price on the Ball! I think it's lighter than my version and probably easier to maneuver. I agree with the emptying of the canister. That's why I didn't want another bagless vac, our previous one was so gross to empty, this one is great!
Well, I'm sold on Dyson! Sounds like yal did your research, then made an educated decision and are satisfied with that choice. When my Eureka Altima finally "bites the dust" =), we will look at the Dyson to replace it. I mean, when someone says it's fun to vacuum, I have to check out their machine!! And I think since Barley "grew up" with the old vacuum, he feels this new one is a stranger and is suspicious of it. As any smart dog would
Well, I know what to get when the Bissell dies!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new "baby"! We have the Dyson Animal and love it!
ReplyDeleteWow, that sounds amazing! It makes me want to go out and buy a dyson just to try it out. We have a Eureka vacuum that I use for everything, and I got it on Amazon for a great deal too. I think it's worth the price if it will last a long time and make your house feel like new. I know how it is with dog fur (and cat fur in our case), and you definitely need a good vacuum to keep up with the cleaning!
ReplyDeleteThanks, guys! It is official: we are true Dyson fans now. When I come home to my hubby willingly vacuuming and cleaning the house means that I KNOW the product is good (so far, that is! We'll let you guys know how long it takes it to die, haha)!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments, guys!
My neatnick brother has this same vacuum and he loves it! He now vacuums for a hobby. When I helped him move in to his new house, he kept vacuuming the floor and giddily insisting that I come marvel at all the dirt the Dyson extracted.
ReplyDeleteBranchesandbeads - that is too funny! I laughed out loud when I read your comment, because that is EXACTLY how we acted when we got ours!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
i also satisfy with this dyson dc25, it must have stuff at your home