Friday, April 20, 2012

Newsflash: We're... Moving?

Holy moley, Batman! What a whirlwind it's been for us lately!

First off, let me address the title of this post: YES! We're moving!

Over the past several months my partner in crime, Tom, has been applying and interviewing to residency programs all over the country for anesthesia. Just a couple weeks ago we attended a Match Day Ceremony (the day when medical students all over the country get matched to one of the programs they applied/interviewed with).

And he was matched to...

The University of Tennessee!

So the week after we found out where we were going to be moving to, we finished some home improvements on the house (I'll dish out the details later!), packed and did some major staging before putting the house on the market.

And? The day the house went up for sale it sold - in less than 10 hours!

I tell ya, we were so happy, but yet sad at the same time. Because this house was our baby - we took it from a seriously dated "fossil" of a home, and made it fresh. We made it our ours with the hours of love and labor we put into it, and it holds a very special place in our heart. There's just something incredible about walking in and seeing all these little things that tell a story and take you back - there's just something about a home that's built or updated with your own hands.

But we're ready to move on - and we have a new house that we're ready to make ours!

A week after the Match Day Ceremony we flew down to Florida to stay with my parents, and the day after we arrived we all loaded up in their Suburban and drove up on a roadtrip to Knoxville, Tennessee. The goal of the trip? To get to know the city a little more (Tom had only been there once to interview, and I'd actually been there once when UT was recruiting me for rowing), but the other big reason for the trip out there?

To buy a house! Woohoo!

Once we arrived and checked into our cabin (which, by the way, was totally awesome and rustic and located up on the side of this mountain in Sevierville - it had the most beautiful view!), we only had 3 days to drive around the city and also to find a new house! Talk about some serious pressure (especially when we looked for weeks for our last house)!

But we found one! And kinda lucked out on it, too. More on the new house later!

Can you believe we're moving? It still hasn't quite sunk in for us yet! And how about to Tennessee? It's someplace we've always wanted to live - so we're pretty excited! Are any of you from Knoxville or Tennessee? Is there anything that we absolutely have to do once we get there? Does anyone think our next house is another "fossil", or do you think we're going with something more updated?
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  1. Congrats! I was excited to find your blog since I live close to Omaha and I'm sad to see you leave, but I'm glad he got a match!

  2. Very exciting! Congrats on the sale and the new house. My friend recently got matched for pharmacy to a VA in Arizona- a big change from NJ! Can't wait to see photos of the new place.

  3. Wow, that is amazing that it sold so quickly, congrats! How exciting!

  4. That's so exciting! Can't believe your house sold so quickly!

  5. Congrats on the new house, and on selling the old one so quickly! Looking forward to hearing more about the new place :)

  6. That's awesome Chelsea! It will be sad to leave that first house you guys did so much to but it's exciting to be starting over in a new one!! I don't know anything about Tennessee but I hear it's beautiful.

  7. Congratulations on the move! You should really check out the blog - one of my childhood friends and her husband run the blog, and they're artists living in Knoxville. They talk so highly of the city on a regular basis, along with really fun things to do/see. Hope that helps, and best of luck with the move!

  8. I just stumbled across your blog (looking at carpet rakes of all things) and was so excited to find a DIY blog in Omaha! And then I find out you're moving :(

    I'm sure I'll enjoy watching you next house come together even if it's not here. Congrats and enjoy Tennessee!


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