Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We've Been Featured!

Boy, were we surprised when we stumbled upon a familiar-looking photo over at none-other-than-the-fabulous-blog Remodelaholic.

Yup, our dirt-to-cement-patio-excavation-adventure was featured! A first for us (and hopefully not the last!). We're totally pumped and uber-excited about this fun little surprise - what a great way to start the week!

To read the feature, head on over there.

Thanks so much for featuring us, Remodelaholic!
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  1. Congrats! I say that with a pang of jealousy... someday, I hope my projects go beyond paint and will be feature-worthy!

  2. Oh excitement!! I was shocked when I was featured there as well.

    I'm sure you have many more features to come!!!


  3. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! It's so fun to see all these things happen for your blog. :)

  4. Congratulations! :)
    Now what are you going to do with the antique basket from my inspiration pic? haha

  5. Thanks, guys! We were super-pumped about the feature!

    @Jolie - You'll just have to wait and see... ;)

    Thanks for stopping by, everyone!



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