Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our 2 Year House-aversary!

(Thanks to the sudden insanity and temporary death of Blogger last week, this post mysteriously disappeared. So, I'm re-posting it today - just pretend that it's last Thursday when you read it, mkay? And I apologize if this is the second time you've read it!)

2 years ago today we were handed the keys to this old fossil, and not a day goes by that we regret our spontaneous and wild decision to buy a house and make it into a home.

2 years ago today we signed the documents that officially declared us homeowners to this ol' fossil.

2 years ago today we jumped in the car with our new home's keys and drove straight to our future home after the closing.

2 years ago today we walked through our future home, envisioning all the changes the house would go through as we changed along with it.

2 years ago today we daydreamed about the family we'd have in our new home, and all the precious memories we'd make.

2 years ago today we were so excited about our new home that we picked up a couple of burritos from Chipotle and raced back to our new house and ate our dinner on the floor in the living room.

2 years ago today we never, ever thought our ol' fossil of a house could ever look this. dang. good.

Exterior Before:
Exterior Now:

Living Room Before:

Living Room Now:

Dining Area Before:

Dining Area Now:

Kitchen Before:
Kitchen Now:

Office Before:
Office Now:

Master Bedroom Before:
Master Bedroom Now:
Basement Before:

Basement Now:

Guest Bedroom Before:
Guest Bedroom Now:
Guest Bathroom Before:
Guest Bathroom Now:

Backyard Before:
Backyard Now:

I'm excited to see what changes the next 2 years bring - to our family, and to our home.

Cheers for 2 years as homeowners!

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  1. Congratulations on such a milestone! As a new reader, it was nice to see your reminiscing about what your house used to be. The changes are incredible! I just hope our house looks this good after two years of home ownership!

  2. Congratulations! You two have made immense changes to your house. Love it!

  3. WOW, you guys have done A LOT in two years! Congratulations!

  4. And where is the before of little Baby Fossil's Room? Inquiring minds and all!

  5. Thanks, everyone! Our house has certainly been a labor of love.

    And for those curious readers, no worries - I'll be revealing the future nursery soon! ;)



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