Monday, March 21, 2011

Kitchen Inspiration

I've been busy compiling a large folder of real-life inspirational kitchen images. See, Tom's Mom is remodeling her kitchen, and so I've had kitchens on the brain lately.


P.S. If you normally use a reader to read our posts, you might have noticed that I finally got around to fixing our feed. Yay for full posts complete with images! Thanks to those of you who let me know about this issue.


{most images from}

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  1. Wow. So many beautiful kitchens!! I really love the second photo. Someday....right??

  2. i am SO glad you are doing full feed in reader! i thought that was your choice to do so, if i would have known you didn't realize, i would have said something too. looking forward to actually seeing your posts! woot!

  3. So much great inspiration!! Thanks for sharing!


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