Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Storm.

Yesterday and all through the night it snowed at least a foot, maybe more. I always think the snow is so beautiful, it blankets the city and streets with a layer of white, making everything beautiful and muffling the sounds of everyday life. Perhaps that is why I am always fascinated by the snow, because it gives a different ambiance and feel to the ordinary everyday: you walk outside and feel the bite of the cold, listen to the solemn silence as you watch the wind kick up the snow in swirls around you, and gaze in wonder as the sun breaks through the clouds and the white that blankets everything suddenly sparkles in the light.

Above is a photo from this morning, after the worst of the storm. Below is a photo during the storm, and there is Tom - being such a good husband and shoveling the porch, even though it snowed so much now you can't even tell he did.

Even Barley was amazed by how much snow there was. He had a fun time "swimming" through it!

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! And your lovely commentary describes it wonderfully. We would have loved to have seen it (and played in it) personally. Barley sure seemed to be having a blast. =)
    Sigh, we sadly had to suffer the low 90's and high humidity winter weather we generally endure this time of year. Trade ya!?


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